1604694491 air compressor oil filter element

1604694491 air compressor oil filter element
The following is the basic information about the air compressor oil filter element with model number 1604694491:
Basic information
- Order number: 1604694491.
- Applicable compressor type: screw compressor.
- Accessory type: conventional accessories for filtering lubricating oil.
- Material: high-quality filter paper. .
- Filtering effect: high filtering accuracy, can effectively remove impurities in lubricating oil and ensure the normal operation of the air compressor.
Scope of application
- This model of oil filter element is suitable for Atlas brand screw air compressors.
- It can also be used for mobile air compressors.
Replacement recommendation
- The replacement cycle of the air compressor oil filter element is usually every 1500-2000 hours of operation.
- When used in harsh environments, the replacement cycle should be appropriately shortened.
- It is recommended to replace the air compressor oil at the same time to ensure the cleanliness and performance of the system.
Leah Sales Manager
Mob & WhatsApp & Wechat&Skype:(+86)19937372138
You know you have received a quality DeMalong Filter hydraulic filter when you our logo on the filter box with our brand name and part number.
Our filters are built with the highest quality and reliability in mind so you know your equipment is safe and can keep running smoothly.
DeMalong Filter hydraulic filters can be used in a variety of industries including but not limited to: power generation, defense, oil/gas, marine and other motor sports, shipping and transportation, railroad, mining, pulp and paper, steel making and manufacturing, entertainment and various other industries.
All of our elements are manufactured according to ISO specifications, including: ISO 16889, Clean DP (low and high visc.) - ISO 3968, Fluid compatibility - ISO 2943, Flow fatigue resistance - ISO 3724, Dirt capacity - ISO 16889, Collapse pressure - ISO 2941
All items marked "Replacement" or "Interchange" are not affiliated with the original manufacture where names and part numbers are for cross reference only. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Reference is made to the OEM solely to identify the compatibility of DeMalong Filter Inc. filter with the OEM filter.
Images may be general representations of products and may vary from image. All items are sold by 1 unit unless a pack size is listed in the title description.

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